Frequently Updated

Shah Family Office

Hitesh Shah
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Slipstream Investors

Alex Edelson
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Social Capital

Chamath Palihapitiya
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Softeq Ventures

Chris Howard
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Spalding Products, Inc.

Tom Spalding
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Voja Lalich
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StepStone Group

Seyonne Kang
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Strategic Advisory Partners

Blaise Stevens
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TMR Capital

Theodore Rosenthal
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Lucas Fernandez
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Tantramar Group

Rob Whitla
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Telstra Ventures

Mark Sherman
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The Production Board

David Friedberg
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The Veteran Fund

Mike Sherbakov
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Transform VC

Raed Masri
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Transpose Platform

Nikos Liodakis
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True Equity

Hugh O'Donnell
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Ulysses Holding

Errik Anderson
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Underdog Labs

Alex Chang
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Untapped Ventures

George Bandarian
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Valor Equity Partners

Antonio Gracias
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Steven Kim
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Zambala Ventures

Tenzin Khangsar
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Zelkova Ventures

Jay Levy
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Contact Us

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Tickets are approval-only, which means our event committee will review each application. If your application is not approved, we will email you (within 48 hours), and your funds will be refunded promptly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this event for?

Angel investors, venture capitalists, limited partners, family offices, and capital allocators can apply to attend.

Due to the limited size of the event we cannot accommodate founders, service providers, or sales executives.

When will I know if I am accepted or not to LIQUIDITY?

You will be notified within 72 hours of submitting your registration. If you are not accepted, we will refund your payment promptly.

Where is the event taking place? Where do I book accommodation?

LIQUIDITY is taking place in Napa, California. You will receive hotel details once you submit your registration. Note, all attendees book their own accommodation, we recommend staying at the hotel since a majority of the events will be taking place there.

What is included in the registration fee?

2 days of content
3 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 2 dinners
Choice of group activity
3 nights of poker, board games, and networking