Yousef ALHammadi

Instilling innovation in early childhood by empowering growth-stage startups to localize their solutions with $270k equity free grants
High Water's venture capital investment grants access to expert-led guidance, strategic partnerships, and growth opportunities by leveraging the GPs network and expertise to accelerate your innovation in AI, robotics, fintech, and more.
Personal Bio
Dr. Yousef Alhammadi is the Executive Director at the Abu Dhabi Early Childhood Authority (ECA), leading investments in innovative startups. With over two decades of experience in analytics and human-centric technology, he holds a PhD in Applied Statistics and Machine Learning. He is also a General Partner in a $20M early-stage VC fund targeting Agtech, Fintech, Healthcare, Process Automation, and AI, achieving a 3.5x MOIC and a 32.9% IRR. He
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