Angel Investor

Nadja Geipert

Angel Investor


I am an angel investor with 20+ investments. Density, Storybook, Thalamus, Hellometer, Micro1 and Nutrisense are among my investments.


I intend to invest in approximately 40 start-ups within 5-7 years while withholding enough capital for follow-on rounds in the top eight performers. I mostly stick to industries related to my experience and expertise (mental health, music, medicine, science and construction) so I can provide value to the founders.

Personal Bio

Nadja Geipert is an angel investor, licensed marriage and family therapist and executive coach. As an investor she has invested in 20+ start-ups while also coaching many clients working in the start-up world. Some of her clients work for Reddit, LinkedIn, Facebook and Arabella Advisors. Recently, she has shifted her focus on coaching female founders.

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