Good AI Capital

Darwin Ling

Good AI Capital is a mission-driven VC fund focusing on early-stage AI companies in Healthcare, Enterprise, and Automation.
Launched in 2019, Good AI Capital Fund I has a great track record ( 43% Net IRR, 1.4x TVPI, 2 exits, +ve DPI). We are launching Good AI Capital Fund II, a 40M fund focusing on applied AI for Healthcare ( Precision Medicine, AI Drug Development, Gene/Cell Therapies Delivery, Medical Devices, Digital Healthcare), Enterprise ( Co-Pilots for Enterprise, Productivity, Fintech, Cybersecurity, DevOps/Infrastructure), and Automation ( Robotics, Autonomous Driving, Drones ).
Personal Bio
Darwin Ling is the founding general partner of Good AI Capital. Before that, he was an entrepreneur with multiple exits, a technologist, and an angel investor in successful unicorns such as SoFi. As a Distinguished Alumni of Purdue University, Darwin was featured as one of Purdue's Tech Titans and is serving on the leadership council for the School of Science. As an AI/Machine Learning expert, Darwin is a guest lecturer for the Chicago Booth School of Business.
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