
Cam Doody

Brickyard is a pre-seed / seed stage venture capital firm that attracts serious founders to an island where there is only one thing to do. 🧱
Create an IYKYK reputation around intensity/focus, let serious founders seek us out, back the best of them, and put them in a heads-down environment with our other founders who've chosen to radically focus for 1-2 years in our outpost in order to reach $1-2m in revenue AFAP.
Personal Bio
Cam Doody is Co-founder and GP at Brickyard, a first-check venture capital firm investing out of their $20m second fund. He also Co-founded and built– the 2nd largest centrally-owned moving company in the US, having relocated nearly .5m U.S. households. He is husband to Hannon, dad to two wonderful girls, and a serious aviator who loves the outdoors.
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